Sunday 5 July 2015


Chapter 33

"Noooo!!!" I screamed as I woke up, in my bed, comfortably and thankfully not eaten by a one of the greatest scientists in the history of physics.

I looked beside me, my mother lay there, eyes shut and deeply in sleep.
I didn't want to wake her up the slightest bit as that would make her feel great discomfort, so I slyly got off the bed.

I brushed my teeth, had a quick shower and got dressed for whatever the day had in store for me.

As I went outside a ray of sunshine hit my eyes, making me immediately reflex my hand onto my face.

I realised that if I were to stay in Chennai for say, a month, before my father arrived I had to adjust to the whether.

This was not easy.

I was not used to being hot or being humid, being both at the same time was just not right.
But as the days passed and activities grew, I started adjusting to the whether.

As I had mentioned earlier my mother had a lot of activities planned for me while she was taking rest.

Handwriting lessons, tables from 1-20, Art and craft and learning a little Tamil from my grandmother were a few I remember.

Someone I also remember was Sanjana.
My grandmother's house was on the top half of a large bungalow, meaning someone was living in the lower half.

This someone happened to be Sanjana, with her father, brother and mother of course.

I don't remember much about them as it was so long ago, but I do remember that one day, when I went to her house to play her father was watching hollow man, and I happened to just peek and see the scene where the man was growing into his muscles.
I was terrified.

Sanjana and I used to play very often.
I constantly remember how at our age making a bubble out of bubble gum was a pretty big deal, so we bought some gum and had a competition.

Both of us didn't know how to make a bubble,but showed off as we did.
*Chewing* "I know how to make a bubble!" I yelled.
"I do too, my brother taught me!" said Sanjana, also chewing.
"Oh yeah, then make one!" "I'll make one when you make one!" "Okay, but I can't make one when you're looking" I said turning around.
"Pop, you see I made one, but it popped." I said turning around again.
"Okay then." she replied turning around.
"Pop, I made one too, see!" she said, just like me.
"No fair! I didn't see!"
"Then even I didn't see!"
"Then make one in front of me and I'll make one in front of you!"
We both stood there chewing slowly as we looked at each other, waiting the next person to make a bubble first.

Friday 3 July 2015


Chapter 32

(I apologise for not writing for a month.)

The possibility of us humans just imagining things that don't exist is very high.
The very fact that we exist is based on an imagination, an idea, a question that led to so many discoveries.
Why do things have to come down?- Isaac Newton.
Why can't we generate light from electricity?- Thomas Edison.
Why don't I make a super awesome machine that has light coming out of it and make people sit and stare at the light for hours? -Charles Babbage. (Inventor of the computer).

I fell back on the bed.
Just thinking about this made me drift into my imagination, that was usually how I fell asleep.
By making stories.
I closed my eyes and imagined a scene...

*poof* Congratulations! You are now in the dream of this inquisitive child!
Music plays "Dora, dora,dora the and super cool exploradora..."

Dora and boots are sitting under a tree and Aneesha is sitting on the tree.

A man comes near the tree where Dora and boots are sitting and Aneesha is hanging.

"Hello, Newton!" Dora exclaims.
"Hi, Dora!" replies a man with a funny hairstyle.
"Come and sit under this tree with us, we can play a game!"

Newton sits under the tree with Dora and boots.
Aneesha looks down, at her hands-Oh wait, she has no hands! Our Aneesha has turned into an apple!

Her skin is red and glimmering with the sunlight, she looks up and realises that the only thing that is holding her plum self down is a branch, a small twig of a branch.
"At least there's no wind..." she says to herself.
This is when a gush of wind hits her like lightning.
"So Newton what are your plans for the weekend?" asks Dora.
"Well, I was thinking of getting my hair curled, and then...." Just as he is about to continue Aneesha notices something, she's falling, right towards his..
*bonk, Aneesha hits the head of Isaac Newton*
"Why, Oh why did I have to falllll!!!!!!!!!!!" She yells in pain.
Isaac Newton unknowingly hears her yelp.
"Maybe my subconcious mind was asking this question, about the apple!" he thinks to himself.
"Why couldn't I just stay thereee!!!!!???" Aneesha yells once more.
"Why didn't it just stay there?" Isaac newton requestions.

"Dora!" he exclaims.
"What, Newton?" she asks.
"Why did the apple fall?"
"I don't know...let's ask map! Why did the apple fall map?"
"I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map,I'm the map...To help newton get to the answer to his question first you have to go to the Babbage jungle, where Charles Babbage is attempting to grow cabbages. Then, you go over the curl bridge, where all the great scientists curl their hair..."
"Oh yeah, I've been there once, the Greco-Roman curls were not that great...." Newton interrupts.
"Yeah...good thing I have short hair" Dora says.
"But she's not a scientist!?" Aneesha, the half blunt apple exclaims in the background.
"And I think I also have other plans to handle this this thing I'll call after the hairstyle I don't like...Gr-"
"I know what you're going to say...I'm just so witty!" Aneesha interrupts Newton, again.
"Uh-witty?" Newton exclaims.
"Wow newton that's a wonderful name! Gr-uh-vity sounds good...what kind of a hairstyle is it.."
"Hehe, I'll tell you later.." Newton says embarrassed.
"But first...I'm going to eat this apple!" he says cheerfully.
"Nooooooooooooo" screams Aneesha, the apple.