Wednesday 1 April 2015


Chapter 8

"....dancing?" I asked him, trying as hard as I could to control my laughter.
"Yes, its called the ballet, have you heard of it?"

As he spoke that sentence I became angry, enraged to be precise.

He thought that I of all the people in the world, wouldn't know what a commercial dance form even was?
How dare he accuse my perception!
"Yes." I replied in an obvious manner.
"But why are you doing"
"Because my teacher insists I practice every minute of the day."he said proudly.
Okay, I could not keep up with this ballet obsession.
"So, you like ballet?" I asked not knowing what to comment.
"No, you see it helps strengthen the bonds between the bones, increase muscular activity..."
That was it, not one more second was I going to stay there to hear him go on and on about how awesome ballet was!
"Oh.." I said as he concluded a long, boring speech, which again, I had NO interest of listening to.
As I left I decided and concluded that being TOO inquisitive was good for NOBODY.
Just then I noticed something peculiar; again (It must've been astonish Aneesha day) but this time it was with Eric and Ellen.
They..they were quiet.
Quiet!, but thats something they never are.
Seeing the depressed and tense expressions on their faces you could tell that there was something bothering them.
"God, so many weird events today" I thought to myself.
Okay, I'm not going to ask them why, no, I won't, that was enough I had for the day.
But my brain was impelling me to do so by all these QUESTIONS.
"Why do you think they're sad? Maybe its because of you, remember when you took one of their jelly beans without telling them, or is it because they have a personal problem? Or know a big secret about human extinction."
"GO ASK THEM!", it screamed.
"Okay" replied my legs, arms and heart.

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