Saturday 28 February 2015


Chapter 3

I was nervous, but then I started to think....I started to question myself as to when my questions had ever been a threat to anyone.
Why couldn't I just get it over with?

So I raised my hand confidently as high up in the air as it would go and waited for the man to look...I bet he thought to himself how I keep asking things.. but I couldn't help my curiosity. 

It was only a few minutes until he noticed and said 

"Do the hieroglyphics mean  something?, like a story?" I asked curiously....hoping he would say something which would be interesting..
"Yes...they do", he said 
 "But many people do not know what they mean....some of the hieroglyphics mean things and we know what...but some mean things..but we don't know this one..scientists are still researching about it..." the class was clearly amused, people started making their own predictions about what they must have meant.
"I think they meant that a princess was captured and she needed help from a handsome prince to save her, and defeat a bad guy" said Stella, "Well I think that they are trying to teach us how to dance.." ,said Brittany..."Well I think that they were they were trying to tell us...HOW TO WRESTLE DINOSAURS!!!!" said Eric.
 The whole class burst into laughter, Eric was clearly not over the dino yet and it was strangely funny....
"Yeah sure, I bet there were plenty of dinosaurs  in Egypt" Ellen said .
"Actually" said an inflated voice from a distant end of our class.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Chapter 2

As they were walking, people were talking as well, "That dino was huge!", said Eric, "I know man, and did you see his teeth?" asked Tim, "Yeah man! he could swallow like a jungle", "You know what else he could do?",said Eric, "What?" asked Tim, "SMUUSHHH THE BUILDINGS!!!!" "HAHAHA"

"What buildings?", I asked curiously, 
"We are not like...teachers and stuff to know, like what buildings are", said Tim,
 "Yeah why don't you go ask the teacher this one too"  said Eric.

Then another question struck my mind, who do they call it a building, when it's already built? Why don't they call it like a built?

Looking at Eric and Tim still laughing at the 'joke' they had cracked on me, I quickly concentrated my mind, buzzing off the questions.

The Egyptian hieroglyphics just looked like pictures, "They are paintings made very long ago in Egypt" explained the man, "They date back to...." 
I was listening to what he was saying, but at the same time, I wasn't.
I was getting bored of him going on on and on about the dates and centuries-which 8 year old would even find it amusing?

So I tried to make all I could out of his explanation of the hieroglyphics and was preparing to move on as I suddenly, looked at the paintings, and saw them, I saw about 4 paintings of a man doing different actions in a row, and if the same man was painted doing different things on the same canvas it must've meant something, maybe a story they were trying to tell? Or a message they wanted to convey to the generations ahead? Or a big solution which everyone was seeking? I was going to raise my hand in excitement,  but then another question came up, What if they were just ordinary paintings and my question was useless...people will laugh and tease again..was it all worth it?

Sunday 22 February 2015


Chapter 1

I remember standing there staring at its impressive structure, the way the bones bonded together, struck each other like lightening and merged.
The first question that struck me was that how the skeleton stood upright over there on two thin legs, which seemed awfully fragile, especially because it was a fossil proven to be millions of years old. The questions which followed seemed unimportant.
So without further ado I raised my hand as the whole class turned to stare assuming as to what so called ‘inquisitive’ question I had this time.
“Here we go again!” said Ellen, “She is definitely going to ask another question"
"Yes I am pretty sure it's the usual ones which nobody understands" interrupted Stella, "I'm not even sure she does" she said skittishly. This made me very nervous. What if I got teased, mocked or ragged with because of my questions? What if they wouldn't actually be as good of questions as I had thought they were?
What if-? interrupting my thoughts I heard a voice- "Yes?", Oh no! I had completely forgotten that I had my hand ribbed in the air the whole time, "Uh..m" I was nervous but I had to do it so I bottled up my valour and drank it all up, took a deep breath and said, "Sir, how does this structure stand only on two bones, they seem very thin and I don't think it may be able to withstand the weight of the rest of the body"
As I was going to continue taking another deep breath, the man interrupted and said "They aren't just the bones" he said, "They have rods inside them which keep them in place-and prevent them from falling down-bonding them together into a whole".
I stood there and nodded my head as if it was dangling on its own, people as usual did not understand my doubt.
I looked at Amy in the way I always had, giving her the look I always did, indirectly asking her if she actually understood me.
She slowly nodded her head as she always did, and slyly moved beside me.
"I was thinking about doing some research on dinos-you know after going home"
Amy was the one who could literally read my mind-she was a very shy girl who was my best friend, I couldn't imagine not having her beside me-the thought just was not right.
"Sure!", "I was going to say the exact same thing!" I said moving on.
The next thing that we were going to view were the paintings, which were no ordinary paintings, they were Egyptian hieroglyphics!

Saturday 21 February 2015



Inquisitive was one of the many things that I've been called since I was young.
The other things may include ‘Curious’ or ‘Interested’, of course those are just the synonyms of the same word.
Not to mention that there are a few other words I was called which were quite incomprehensive to my tender brain such as ‘Agog’ but that gets me to my point- the definition of inquisitive-
having or showing an interest in learning things; curious
And yes that definition is directly copied and pasted from the dictionary.
The main point of me writing this extremely peculiar book is also a question-the question as to why a person like me, with average grammar and such a curious brain can't write a book.
So with that I give you this book, full of the stories of the many incidents I’ve faced and the things I’ve said with my exceedingly intrusive brain.
I hope you find this adventure of my life as entertaining as I have throughout it.