Monday 30 March 2015


Chapter 7

I then noticed Eric and Ellen who were standing there hopelessly listening to the most lifeless lecture they ever heard about robots.

They secretly wanted to do the same thing I wanted to, but that's where manners become boundaries.

".....appeared more practical applications such as automated machines, remote-control and wireless remote-control." Aditya concluded.

We all let out a sigh of happiness and relief of the long, boring and irritating disquisition to be over.
But little did we know it was not..

"Now coming to your question.." Aditya continued.

That very sentence made the hearts of Ellen, Eric and I skip a beat.
There was more? But that was enough knowledge about robots that we needed for our ENTIRE life!

Just then we heard the most beautiful words spoken by a familiar voice
"What's the matter" said our teacher, Ms.Thomson.
She, to us, seemed like a saviour who had come to save us from the most boring, un-understandable and lifeless speech in the world.
"We are debating about robots!" Eric explained.
"Oh, you seem to know a lot 'bout robots, eh Eric?" she asked.
"Yeah!" He said happily.

"Okay kids I think the next thing we're seeing is going to be about robots, so you can keep your questions to yourself until then, okay?" she said looking at of course, me.

It's surprising how she used the word okay twice.
Ellen & Eric decided to leave their argument unfinished for the better. 

But just then I noticed something, Aditya was doing something peculiar, was it couldn't be, dancing? 
No I thought to myself.
He must've been doing some special type of exercise that he had seen on the internet.
But seeing his moves it didn't seem so.
He was dancing, definately dancing, but the thing that surprised me the most was that nobody cared to notice.

Probably because people didn't dare to come near him.
Because if they come near him he may say something, and if he says something, well, we all know how that would go.

His dancing style was oddly graceful and sharp.
But at the same time I couldn't help laugh to myself thinking of 
what a moron he looked like.
Then something abnormal happened I noticed that he was doing the, ballet?
No, impossible, sure he was odd, annoying, boring, ununderstandable and a complete nerd but ballay? That was just, WOW!
I slowly moved toward him and seeing me, he stiffened.
"Hi" he said awkwardly.
"Hey..." I said...
"Were you...?"

Friday 27 March 2015


Chapter 6

I turned back and saw, Eric and Ellen who, as usual, were brawling their guts out.
"NO!, it doesn't" said Ellen in a rather forlorn and confident tone.
"YES IT DOES!!!!!" said Eric, who now was clearly offended..

I could not stand the amount of questions passing through my head.
What were they fighting about? Why were they fighting about it?
When will they ever get along? Why are unicorns sooooooo beautiful? Should I ask them why? Will they tell me?

Okay that was it, no matter what they say I decided to ask them what they were fighting about.

"Hey, Ellen" "What's the matter?" I asked nervously.


Now that I knew what this argument was about I didn't want to get involved.
This was because of the fact that I didn't know who was right.
I mean I remembered seeing a movie where robots abducted the world and erased human race, but that may also be fabrication.
So I decided to leave slyly before they noticed.
But it was too late, Ellen and Eric started taking votes.
"So what do you think Stella?" asked Ellen.
"Well....." Stella knew nothing about technology, so she decided to just take Ellen's side as usual.
"I think that Ellen is right!" she said confidently.
"WELL WHAT DO YOU THINK TIMMM??" asked Eric in a threatening tone.
"I think that...ROBOTS ARE DANGEROUS!!!" he screamed.
They then turned to the two people that they thought had the answer.
Aditya and I.
I tried my best to ignore them as if they were not staring at me impatiently.
I was indirectly telling them to ask the know it all, Aditya.
Understanding my sign, they turned towards him and demanded him for an answer.
"So, what do you think Aditya?" at that point I decided to say the opposite of whatever he would, as I was a tad bit covetous of him.
I didn't realise he would start telling us about robots.
"You see, a robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electromechanical machine that is guided by a computer program. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous..."
WHAT!, I thought to myself, that was not related to anything, he was JUST telling us what a robot was, and doing a VERY bad job at it.
As I was thinking he kept going on and on on robots, he wouldn't stop!

I felt like letting out a fierce STOP! at his face, but didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Wednesday 25 March 2015


Chapter 5

"Yeah" he said timidly,
"Oh, so what else do you know about" I said, hoping I wasn't being too informal- I was trying to get right to the point, as his answer did not satisfy what I wanted to know.
"I know about other things, other animals..." he replied.
"Oh so animals must be your leisure interest, de règil?"
I threw in the de règil as I wanted to know whether he knew what it was because most of the kids at my school didn't even know what leisure was. I mostly used it to cover up for the informality I had shown before.
"Vaguely meticulous" he said.
"Because de regil actually means required, like 'it is necessary for you to do so'"
By this answer of his I felt a little bad, as if he was correcting me because I knew nothing, and also because he was pronouncing de règil wrong.
I didn't expect him to know that much.
"And also about the animals, I learn about several things, not only animals." he said lucidly.
"Like?" I asked.
"Usually learn about whatever comes to my mind, you see I keep thinking about things and then when I want to know more, I google them"
"Oh..." I had nothing else to say, he probably knew more than I did, I never Googled anything, probably because I trusted human answers more, or was just too lazy to type.
"OK, nice talking to you!" I concluded and left as furtively as I had come.
As we continued I started to feel lesser than someone. Until that moment I thought I was smart for asking questions-but now I felt dumb for not using the exceptional idea of using Google.
Well at least I knew what I was going to do after going home.
"YES IT DOES!!!" shouted a voice interrupting my thoughts, again.

Monday 23 March 2015


Chapter 4

I, along with the whole class turned to see who the enlightened one was.
"Dinosaurs were spread all around the world when they existed."
said a thin, pale boy wearing glasses, not that I didn't, I myself owned a pair, but they were clearly less nerdy that his.
"In fact there were many dinosaurs where egypt stands now.." he said timidly.
"So its proven, I'M RIGHT!" screamed Eric with satisfaction of winning.
Ellen and Eric were twins who were overly competitive and could not stand each other.
Though they were twins they had completely different personalities.
Ellen was smart, cunning and creative, while Eric was funny, jovial and friendly.
"No you're not!" said Ellen, interrupting my thoughts. "You were wrong about everything else." "Im pretty sure that the dinosaurs were in Egypt before humans even existed!" "Right, Aditya?" she asked. "Yeah" he said.
So out of this whole conversation I learnt only one thing, the nerdy boy's name.
I kept thinking and realised something, I had already known that dinosaurs existed in Egypt because I had already researched dino's I already had that question a long time ago.
Then I looked at Aditya and smiled, when actually I was anxious to know more about him? Was he just like me? Did he know more things than me? Was he smarter than me? Was he more inquisitive than me?
I knew that there was only one way I could find the answer, by talking to him!
I leisurely slid towards him and introduced myself.
"Hello, I'm Aneesha!" I said, not that he wouldn't know me, I mean everybody knew me as the 'questions' girl.
"Hey, I'm Aditya." he said softly.
"So you like dinosaurs eh?" I asked, not that this question was important, it would just tell me whether he knew stuff only about dinosaurs or if he knew things about other stuff too.