Thursday 4 June 2015


Chapter 31

The eerie atmosphere was getting the best of me.

The questions I was asking myself seemed unimportant, adrenaline was kicking in.

Nicely above our bed sat a window, the A/C was on, so the window lay there, shut.

Just then I thought of something, if anything could be sitting there, waiting for me in the dark, what would it want?

I decided to investigate.

I slowly removed the blanket off of my head.
I got up, head first and then placed my first leg on the floor.

The cold floor, eldritch atmosphere and uncertain thoughts dangling through my mind were the perfect factors for something paranormal to happen.

But nothing did.

I got off the bed, trying my best not to wake my mother, who was finally asleep after so much struggle.

I moved towards the window and stood there, glaring at the moon visible through the translucent glass.

I saw the streets of a night Chennai.
The moonlight was perfect, making its way through the buildings that stood tall.

Suddenly, I noticed something about the dark. It was beautiful.
Sure, something could exist within its clutch. But, the most vibrant part of the world came out at night.

The restless silence gave an epitome of peace.
Suddenly I heard a noise behind me.
I turned to see what had made it when my fear kicked back in.

Nothing was there, but something could be.
That's when I started to kick some sense into myself.

What were ghosts?

Humans were not the only things alive on the planet for them to have an 'after life'.
The concept of something staying back after death was so dumb.

Death was just death.

Besides, if something was really there, then we would've known by now. It would've made news!
I realized something else, people like stories, adventure, mystery in their lives.

So it's pretty obvious that they might think about something existing even though it doesn't, just for the sake of it.

After all, we have vivid imaginations.
In fact our imagination is vivid enough for us to think of something that doesn't exist and even make a story about it.

Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, even Dora is based on pure imagination.
So why can't we imagine somethig else that doesn't exist?

Tuesday 2 June 2015


Chapter 30

"What are you afraid of?" It asked me. 

"I'm not sure.." I replied hopelessly. 

"Do you think it's all those horror movies you've been watching?" It questioned again. 

"What horror movies?" I asked. 

"You know, that movie with the girl who is possessed...who can turn her head 360 degrees.." it said. 

"The....the ex-xorsist?" I said, frightened, thinking of the scene it was reminding me of. 

"Yeah...wait! What was that noise, Aneesha?" it said creeping me out a little more.

"What noisseee??" I asked, concentrating on reality.

"Wooosh....the rustling of the can hear the footsteps can't you?" It described.

Now my brain was creeping me out. I knew there was nothing there, nothing to hurt me, nothing that would jump on my face with an evil laugh, but somewhere inside, fear existed.

This was because of the number of questions that existed.

"Why are you afraid of the dark?" was one 
that my mind repeatedly asked itself.
I had no answer, which as you know, bothered me A LOT.

But why was I afraid of the dark, dark was just the absence of light.

It didn't mean that something was supposed to just automatically exist.

Or did it?
The dark was a perfect hiding place for ANYTHING because, nobody could see anything in the dark.
Which meant ANYTHING could be out there.
The more I thought of this, the more scared I became.
I wondered what, for a very long time, almost the whole night.

But that was when answers kicked in, answers to the questions.

When I get questions that are really complicated and intelligent.
I eventually think about them so much, that I find answers to them.

But when others get these questions, and I try and tell them my answer to these.
They think I'm lecturing them.