Wednesday 15 April 2015


Chapter 13

Then, I pointed towards the put up.
Aditya's eyes widened, his mouth sprang open in awe, he couldn't believe what he was reading.

At the same time, I felt that they were a little wider than they should've been, he was a little more surprised.

I looked at the put up again, and this time I noticed something else, something more.

Written in letters smaller than the words in capitals and bold, was something else, waiting to be read.

"A surprise officer may come for this sole purpose only on a random day. The person- child or adult who reports him shall be honored a gift card of 100 dollars at the museum store and also a certificate to prove their alertness and courage. Along with that, a picture of them will also be hung up in the museum recognising their exceptional deed."

A hundred dollar gift card! A certificate! A picture to be viewed by every single person who visits here!
But all I did was shout...I shouldn't gain so much for this?

"Smile wide!" said a voice interrupting my thoughts for the 3rd time in one day.

I had a peculiar smile, still have it today, I show all my teeth and open my mouth as wide as I can.

So this time was no exception, I'm not photogenic, and never will be.

This made me look like a complete goof, wearing glasses, holding a certificate and showing off all my teeth.

That was definately not a picture of me that I would want thousands of people to see.

After the photo session was over, I was handed my gift card.

I was so excited to see it, I could already imagine all the things I could buy with 100 dollars.

The man, the photographer and all the other people who had come to see me, congratulated me and dispersed.

But that was not it, as soon as they left, another crowd formed soon.

"Cooooool" said Eric.
"Hey show me your certificate" said Stella.
Soon a bunch of people started asking me a lot of questions. 

There was only one person who just stood intact, open mouthed still in shock of what happened. 

You guessed it. It was Aditya.

After this crowd dispersed too, I realized that the trip was almost over. 
I scanned the crowd for Amy and as usual, she sat in a corner reading a book in which she was completely engrossed.
"Amy!", I called out.

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