Saturday 4 April 2015


Chapter 9

I lazily walked towards them and asked,"What's wrong? You both seem down?"
"We...we both just...had.." Ellen said nervously, as if she was terrified of something.
Eric on the other hand just sat there, he seemed scared, very scared.
"Had what?" I asked seriously.
"A..a..." "A vision." Eric said.
"A vision? Of what?" I asked, hoping I wasn't forcing them to talk about something they didn't want to talk about.
"It was a man, he was...weird." said Ellen.
"Do you both have the same visions often?" I asked curiously.
"Yes." They both replied at the same time "But not ones like this." Ellen added.
"They're usually about events that take place soon after we have the vision."
She said.
I was open mouthed yet, I couldn't say anything, there were surprisingly no questions.
I was just startled and also a little afraid.
They were telling me that, they had visions? Like
in those movies? That actually came true?
The heights of fiction!
I was extremely creative as a child, I used to live in lands of wonder made with bits of my own imagination, where adventure was the key to everything.
So I unquestionably believed them.
All I wanted to know was what they just saw.
"'re afraid of just the sight of a weird looking man?"
I asked.
"No, it was what the weird man did." Eric explained.
Well this was  a much larger problem than dancing Aditya-the ballet king.
This was more of an Eric and Ellen-the vision twins problem.
So I decided to get more information. 
"What was he doing?" I asked in a soft tone.
"He was here at the museum.." replied Ellen in an even softer tone than mine.
"So what did he do here?" I asked worried.
"He...stole something like a statue...and then.."
Ellen stopped with fear.

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