Monday 27 April 2015


Chapter 17

"Aneesha....calm down" he said calmly.
"We will not be going to India will only be for a few months.." he concluded.

"But amma said that I was joining a new school?" I asked.

"Yes Aneesha, its not like you will miss months of school!" He said surprised.

"So we'll be back?" I asked.
"Yes" he answered.
"Really?" I confirmed.
"Yes!" he restated.

As I had mentioned before, I didn't want to think about it too much. So I just decided to take my fathers sanction and move on.

"So when are we going to India, nana?" I asked my father.

"Day-after tomorrow, Aneesha." he replied.

"What! But we have to pack! How will I say goodbye to all my friends? Will we meet them? When are we meeting them?" I said, scared that I won't even get a chance to say adios to my amigos.

"Aneesha...let's start packing first...after we finish if we get time we'll meet them. Okay?" he said.

"Okay.." I replied pretty sure that now I wouldn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

As we started packing my mother and father grew tenser.

There were two groups to segregate; the things we would take with us on the plane and the ones my dad would bring on a ship, basically all the big stuff and the small stuff.

While my mother and father started doing all the 'big people packing' my job was to search in the tiny corners of the house for the things they would miss.

I started with my room, I knew lots of tiny places there, mostly because I used to hide in them.
Under my bed, in the cupboard, in the closet, behind the door, and the little tiny space in between the cupboard and the wall.

As I searched, I found more memories than articles.

All the places I used to hide in had a purpose.
Once my mother had scolded me because I didn't do my homework and I wasn't listening to her.
"You always do what you want, it's like I'm telling the walls to clean their room." she berated.
"Whenever I clean it, you make it filthy again.
Then what's the point of cleaning, Aneesha!"
"Go clean it yourself." she screamed.

This made me feel sad, bad and mad.

I got so angry that I decided to hide and never show up again, then when she misses me she would come searching for me, and eventually realise how awesome her daughter was.

I went to my room and scanned for places to hide, I immediately noticed the cupboard- and got an idea.

I could fit inside the cupboard, couldn't I?
So I climbed into the very first rack and made myself at home.

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