Thursday 7 May 2015


Chapter 20

I immediately froze. Tears filled my eyes.
The feeling was very unpleasant, it was as if I was going to lose something that I would never get back. I just wanted to cry it all out.

My mother heckled my thoughts as usual and dragged me repeatedly stating that we were late.
I slowly got into the taxi dragging my bag with me.

The airport was pretty near from our house, I was surprised that we didn't take any of the cars.
We had two cars, both Toyota. I felt the necessity to say that because of my interest in cars.

We reached the airport in no time. My mother dragged me around and checked in while I was still thinking about why we didn't take the cars.

After a few minutes of waiting it was finally boarding time, which meant I was going to be dragged again.

We got onto the plane and I made myself comfortable in my seat.
Back then not much was there to do in a flight especially one that lasted 26 hours.

Everything seemed so quick, probably because my thoughts kept me entertained.

I had the most vivid imagination. My father suspected that I had developed ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) because I watched a lot of TV.

In actuality I didn't need TV to entertain me as I would create and imagine my own stories.

Whatever I thought was a good story I would make up the dialogue, screenplay and characters in my head. I did this so often that it became almost a daily or hourly habit.

For most of the flight though I did nothing but sleep, eat and as usual, think.

"Aneesha! Get up Aneesha!" I heard my mothers voice as I drowsily rubbed my eyes.
"Come, we're here. Ammuma is waiting at the gate." she said.

So soon! But it seemed like just yesterday I was in America playing with Amy.

I lazily got up with pain in my head, arms and legs.
I took my bag as my mother rushed me through the airport.

She must have been excited to see her mother.

We quickly collected our baggage and proceeded to the gate where I could see a familiar face.

A lady waited right there with cheerful eyes and a wide smile, waving and greeting us.

Her smile was extremely contagious I smiled back, immediately running towards her and into her arms. "Hello grandma!" I said cheerfully.
"Hello Aneesha, hope you're doing well!" she said back.
"Yeah I am doing well!" I said not completely sure whether I was.
"You must be so excited that you're going to have a baby brother or sister in a few months."
"Yup, I'm pretty excited." I replied.
"Hello Amma!" my mother said to my grandma.
"Hi Aswini, how are you doing, is everything going well?" my grandmother questioned my mother, as I fanned myself with my hand.

It was early May. As we all know India is near the equator, Chennai, even closer to the equator, so naturally the weather was boiling hot.

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