Tuesday 19 May 2015


Chapter 26

I immediately selected the baby names option. The results were, links?

I didn't quite understand the concept of links back then. Did they lead you to some sort of website?
I imagine how the next generation will be laughing at us for this. 

"You had to type in the searches? Then take all the pain and effort to move your finger and click on a link?" "Hahaha." 

Just like we laugh today at life before the internet, the good old days when children used to see the trees and play hide and seek. 

"But videogames are better!" is the exact sentence I told my grandmother the other day.

Somebody just decided to invent the internet, so we could sit in front of a screen all day, with no actual human interaction what-so-ever, accomplishing nothing.

I can't lie, I too was a video game addict for a long-long time. I eventually got over it.

I liked the excitement, the adventure, the feeling of self satisfaction when you win a game finally after losing over and over again.

Coming back to now- I clicked on the first of all the 'links', that said, 
'baby names for boys and girls'.
As soon as I clicked on it synchronising with the sound of my mouse, occurred the sound of a doorbell ringing.

As usual I got diverted into thinking about something else and forgot about what was important, the serious thing.

Maybe I did have ADHD.

I rushed towards the door, opening it as my mother and grandmother smiled at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh nothing serious, your mother was just weak, from all the travelling and packing. The doctor gave a few things to help her regain strength." she said, as I listened on guard.
"From today I don't think she will be doing much, in fact she may not do anything at all, right Aswini?" my grandmother asked my mother, giving her an intimidating look.
"Yes..." my mother nodded softly.

My thinking was very quick. I just surfed through thoughts, one leading to another.

Here's the chain this time0

 Ok so nothing to worry. I wasted so much time on the computer. I'll also eat that pizza as soon as possible before that goes to waste. I wish I hadn't wasted my time too though. Wait what are we going to name the baby?

As you can see my chain of thoughts contains the word 'pizza', as always. I keep thinking about pizza. Too bad I can't have any that often.

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