Thursday 28 May 2015


Chapter 27

The more I thought about the cheesy goodness of my favorite food, the more I wanted some.
Realising the situation was not that bad anymore, I shyly turned towards my aunt and dabbed her lightly on the shoulder.

"Yes, Aneesha" she said.

"Can I..have know because everything is fine...and I'm" I spoke unconfidently, hoping I was not being too rude for the situation.

My aunt laughed.
"Sure! Wait a minute, I'll get the box." she said merrily moving into the kitchen.

Just then a question invaded my mind. 
Why was it that a round pizza was kept in a square box?
Its so weird! A pizza is made as a circle, cut into triangles and placed in a square box.
It's a whole geometry set by itself.
No wonder I was so good at math.

I saw the pizza as my aunt brought it in. How couldn't I? As it entered a sweet, delicious and mouth watering aroma spread through the room.

I sat on the table, ready for a slice (or two). 
Just then I felt as if I was forgetting something, someone maybe?

Then I remembered about my poor mother, going through so much pain.
She was in her room, probably trying to sleep on an empty stomach.

How selfish of me, completely forgetting about her. Well, when it comes to pizza I do forget quite a lot of things.
I got off of my chair and walked towards my mothers room.
As I had expected she was laying on the bed, half asleep.
"Amma (mom)?" I asked.
"Yeah Aneesha" she said, slowly trying to get up.
"Did you have your dinner, Amma?" I asked her.
"Yes, Aneesha, when your grandmother and I had gone to the doctor, she suggested buying a meal." she answered.

I didn't quite understand what she said. Suggested a meal? She only suggested a meal, that didn't mean they ate the meal. 

As my aunt had said my mother couldn't eat junk, and I specifically remember my mommy telling me that everything we find outside is junk.

"So you ate outside?" I asked my mother, trying to clarify my queries.

"Yes, but we ate at the hospitals cafeteria."
she said, clarifying my queries.

That made sense.
She could obviously eat at the hospital, it was the healthiest place ever.

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