Wednesday 13 May 2015


Chapter 23

I woke up, confused for a second as to why I was not in my room. But after another second, I came back to my senses.

I remembered taking a bath and immediately
falling lazily on the bed. I must've fell asleep without my own knowledge.

But isn't that how everybody falls asleep, without them knowing, drifted in thoughts, that eventually put you to sleep.

One question that always occurs to me is how
I don't fall asleep when I want to. At night when Iay on my bed, ready to fall asleep, I don't. In the middle of a boring conversation, where I have no intention of falling asleep,I do.

Once when I was in my class, my social teacher went on and on about history and politics, I was getting bored and to entertain myself I looked around the class, where I saw some people regrettably going to sleep, on their bench, it's not even comfortable, it's on plain, hard wood.

Just then interrupting my thoughts (as usual), I heard a voice, "Aneesha! Are you up?" yelled my mother.
"Yeah." i said drowsily, letting out a yawn.
"Good, it's dinner time." she said.
Already! How could that be?
Now I had so many questions gathered up about sleeping. 

How do we fall asleep? Why do we fall asleep? Where do we fall asleep? Why don't we know we are sleeping when we're sleeping? Why can't we just wake ourselves up? Who keeps taking away my unicorn when I wake up? How can we sleep for hours without even knowing? If it's a method of relaxation, then why do we sleep when we get bored?

"Coming?" said my mother, cutting into my thoughts again; boy do people like to interrupt my musing.

"Yeah.." I said again.
I got off the bed and felt my feet touch the cold floor, the air conditioning was on throughout the house, so we all didn't become fries and boiled potatoes.

I went into the kitchen still thinking about how we sleep.
"Oh, look who's up.", said my aunt, she was in the kitchen. So she probably didn't hear my mother yelling at me to get up.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked, knowing that it would be something I liked. It was my first day in Chennai and it had been a long time since they had seen me.
"Pizza, the pizza you ate in the afternoon was actually for dinner, there are another two boxes. We thought it would be a surprise." she said.
"Yes!" I screamed.
"But don't get used to it, this is only for today. From tomorrow you're going to eat some good Indian food." she added.

"Okay!" I said enthusiastically. It was surprising that this time I was not jet-lagged, I felt so energetic.
"Call everybody, tell them it's time for dinner. Your mother may not be having more than a slice." she said.
"Why won't she, she loves pizza." I asked confused.
"Because it's not good for the baby, she has to take more nutritious food, we have a separate diet for her." she answered.

Wow, I didn't think it was so serious. Sure my mother had a big belly, couldn't do certain things, took so many tablets and drank more milk than I did, but that didn't mean she couldn't eat what she liked.
I was about to protest when suddenly I heard my mother shout.

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