Monday 11 May 2015


Chapter 22

She must've been excited to have me over after so many days. I could tell by what she said, that we were going to have a lot of fun, and also that she had a lot planned for me here in Chennai.

I was even excited to see what classes my mother had thought for me. I loved doing activities and I knew that whatever she had in mind would be something related to either art or maths, both of which, I loved. 

I was a part of the gifted and talented program back in America, because of how quickly I could do maths. It was not that I was a genius, it   was that my mother used to teach me everything in maths logically. It was the only subject where I didn't have to ask her millions of questions. That's why I enjoyed it.

"I'm thinking of putting her in Art, handwriting, dance and advanced math class, by the time she's out she will know 20 tables and perform calculations more easily." replied my mother.

I knew about the art and maths, but dance and handwriting? I didn't mind having bad handwriting or be unable to cha-cha. It was just unnecessary, or so I thought. 

Just then I caught a fragrance lurking in the air. 
Was it, yes it was, it was pizzzaaaaa!

I had, have and always will have a fancy for pizza. Only god knows why. 
If you had me choose between a million bucks and pizza, I would've eaten the pizza already by then. 

"Pizzzzaaaa!!!!" I shouted, bursting everybody's ears.

I was like a dog, I could sniff my way to the pizza. I went to the table and searched for a box, I spotted one at the corner, I immediately went there and burst it open.
It was the pizza. I ripped off a slice and took a large bite.

It was delicious. The best, but a little different
from what I had in America.
Still pizza, was pizza.

So I went to the kitchen and grabbed a plate, a large one, back then I could eat only two slices, now I've upgraded to three, it was just too good to resist, but somehow I keep my weight balanced, even though I eat so much pizza. 

Probably because I had other problems eating. I just wouldn't get hungry, sometimes for a whole day  I wouldn't eat anything because I wasn't hungry. 
Nobody could understand the way I felt. It was as if I had too much food and I was stuffed. I just couldn't swallow a piece of food, even pizza.
This made me look thin and undernourished. My parents got worried and started giving me vitamin tablets because I had vitamin and dietary deficiency. 
One day my grandma suggested a medicine. It made me get hungry and eat like a normal person, but even today even though I have no 'nutrition' problems, I have trouble having dinner and anything between breakfast and lunch.

"Aneesha!" my mother yelled. "You haven't taken a bath yet." she said.
It was a 26 hour flight, I had to take a bath.

"Okay, but first let me finish these slices." I said taking another bite out of my pizza.

"You better eat fast, we have to do a lot of things today, but it's better to take rest. You must be tired." she said.

She was right, I was pretty tired. I couldn't wait to take a warm bath and go to sleep.

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